Tuesday, March 30, 2010

25th Entry - Modern Warfare 2

Yep it's a older game, and this isn't a new review. I have neglected this for a very long time now but I'm back again to keep this alive.

We'll start off with Modern Warfare 2, the much anticipated sequel to Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare.

I, like so many others, enjoyed COD4's single player and multiplayer very much, and was quite eager to play the sequel.

Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360)

Anywho, when I sat down and popped this in, I was hoping for an awesome single player experience, above all else. I was not disappointed.

The story, even though it may be convoluted and a little goofy at times, is fun and engaging, much like the original Modern Warfare.

There are lots of improvements, such as more weapons and more epic battles. Even on Veteran, I never got too frustrated at dumb level design or something of the like.

Unfortuantely, there is a lot to hate about the single player as well. The AI is mentally retarded, both enemy and friendly. The enemies stand directly out of cover and run into walls fairly often. I don't know what this is a byproduct of, but it's quite distracting. The allied AI runs in front of you at all times, blocking shots fairly often. The so-called "controversy" on the Russian airport level was over-hyped and quite ridiculous, honestly. Aside from these issues, though, the campaign is fun to play.

The Special Ops mode is really awesome, and Poke and I thoroughly enjoyed beating most of it. There is a point where it just gets too damn hard, and this is pretty much where is stops being fun. It goes from holding down a elevated position with sniper rifles and claymores to fighting off 3 juggernauts at a time with only grenade launchers to protect yourself. ON VETERAN. Same issues here though, stupid AI, though at least my co-op partner isn't retarded and can actually play the game.

And multiplayer. Alas, so much to say about it. At its core, it is a well designed operation. Lots of customization and player choice, as well as a fun leveling system. However, the game has been plagued with hacks, updates, errors, server suckage, and general douchebaggery.

First there were the akimbo Model 1887 shotugns, which had the range of several times any other shotgun, and you'd run into jerk-offs every damn game running around and sniping you cross-map with them. Eventually this was patched, but IW dropped the ball and players discovered that adding the FMJ attachment reverted them to their pre patch status. IW eventually patched this too, but months later.

Then there was the care package glitch, in which a player using the Commando, Marathon, and Lightweight perks would pull out the care package killstreak marker, and for some reason it made them run blazingly fast. In this state, players would run around knifing people for entire games, in effect totally breaking what is commonly called the "Knifing" or "Runner" class. Eventually this was patched, but not before it had a long run in online play.

Next was the Danger Close/Javelin glitch, in which a player was able to force the Javelin missile to explode after death, generally killing several people in the process with the resulting explosion. This was a heavily frustrating glitch that was again, patched very late.

Then came the other care package glitch, in which a player was able to call in unlimited care packages, giving them an obvious advantage if left unchecked. After reporting everyone I saw doing this for cheating, IW finally patched this as well, but not before nearly every player on Live had exploited it.

There are no dedicated serves for MW2. This simply sucks major cock, and lag and host transfers are commonplace. IT is also not uncommon to simply be dropped from a game. Massively frustrating.

As for general douchbaggery, the once mature community of Modern Warfare 1 has been overtaken by every asshole with a internet connection. These people are generally identified by having clan tags like WEED, W33D, DANK, HASH, JEWS, and things of the like. These people are also the morons who use titles like High Command, Blunt Trauma, So Baked, Joint Ops, and Pineapple Express. Then there's the people from Halo 3 who think calling everyone in the game room "gay" or a "faggot" is still funny, and still there's the children of about age 13-14 telling me to "fuck off". I'm only sad to see one of my once favorite online communities has been ruined by the general populace.

This all said, I still manage to enjoy the game by playing with my I'm sure little known clan, [IRON]. Look for us online.

[IRON] Go0fyT0oth
[IRON] d4p0k3
[IRON] tehNarwhals
[IRON] McDuck67
[IRON] moarzors
[IRON] Nazg0ul89
[IRON] Trollfus
[IRON] Jeeves 1080
[IRON] RisingAngel

At the end of it all though, if you're a gamer, you basically should own Modern Warfare 2. Simple as that. 9.5/10

1 comment:

Audi TT Turbocharger said...

hey nice one post.....this helped me alot to come out problem.!!
thanks alot.