Thursday, December 4, 2008

20st Entry - Castle Crashers

Hey everybody,

It's summer finally, so I'll be having time to actually update this. Also so you know, I've gone and messed up the dates for like all of my posts, so today's is for May 13th 2009, just so we're back on track.

Castle Crashers - Xbox 360 (available only on 360, through the XBL Marketplace)

Anyway, today's review is for Castle Crashers, a Xbox Live Arcade game available for 1200 MS points. The cost is negligible - I am telling you, as a fellow gamer, you need this game if you own a Xbox 360. Need. Also as a side note, I've never played this game on my own, and neither should you. The 4 player local multiplayer should keep you and some friends busy for a while.

Additionally, Castle Crashers may or may not provide the best drinking game experience in existence, but I'll leave that one up to you to discover.

Right, so not much of a story here, just 4 goofy characters of your choosing, a couple of princesses in need of saving, and a whole lot of button mashing. Anyone can play this game, all it requires is pressing X and Y in various sequences and, if you use magic, sometimes RT. Oh yeah, and LT is block, but that doesn't really matter, unless you have a friend like me who always makes a magic character.

As you can see, not much involved in mastering the game. However, the game has numerous unlockables and weapons, although you only begin with the original 4 knights and their starting weapons. Some of my favorite unlockable characters are the Bear, the Pirate-Ninja (Pinja, as my friends have coined it), and the Skeleton. There are tons of weapons as well, too many to count, ranging from a lobster to a flaming dragon-sword. There are also Animal Orbs, each of which offer a special bonus to the user, such as extra health or defense, or in the case of my personal favorite, Bi-Polar Bear, mauling enemies near death.

The levels are well designed and rarely, if ever, boring. Each has its own sort of ridiculous humor, varying from crude to clever (mostly crude, though :p) There are plenty of hidden items on each level so be sure to search. Being it that the game is a sidescroller, there's not much else to say about the levels, other than that the entire game was drawn in Flash, a highly impressive achievement.

Other than the addictive gameplay, the game really shines in its 100% original soundtrack. The songs are all great, and i ended up hunting down all of them and putting it on my iPod...really good stuff. CHAOZ JAPAN.

Another facet of the gameplay is the massive boss fights, ranging from a Catfish to a sock-puppet wielding dragon. Each boss is more silly than the last, the final boss being no exception.

After you play through a few times, you may find yourself thinking, "I wonder when this will get boring?" And, miraculously, the answer is, IT WON'T! Despite having about the same 20 levels to play over and over, it NEVER got boring. There's always something new to unlock or find. I have played the living crap out of this game, and i still find myself going back with a friend now and then to beat it again.

All things considered, Castle Crashers is THE best Arcade game available for purchase, so buy it already. 10/10. Seriously, it's side-scrolling perfection.

19th Entry - Mirror's Edge

Mirror's Edge (Xbox 360)

So I'm making up for the last few weeks. It's going to be a ridiculous slew of games, as a whole bunch of great stuff has come out since November. We'll start with this new EA franchise.

Mirror's Edge isn't the newest game out, but it definitely takes the cake for innovation.

I first saw the cover art for Mirror's Edge at Gamestop on the "coming soon" shelf. Poke and I both automatically dismissed it, thinking it was really stupid looking alongside such greats as my beloved Dead Space. However, it has managed to make me eat my words.

The game pits you as Faith, a part of a underground kind of smuggling ring who are called Runners. The world they live in is constantly monitored and watched, and Runners provide the communications between those who still fight for independence.

The game itself is a first-person adventure. It has shooter elements, but is not actually a shooter. Instead, you spend the game "free-running" over obstacles and also fighting off policemen and security forces. You can choose to use martial arts to fight off your enemies or just simply shoot them with their own weapons. The graphics are rather stunning, with a good use of bright color that sets it apart from the various shades of gray so present in other games. The EA team has done a great job creating a futuristic city from the ground up, and you'll be seeing all parts of it, from insides of offices to the tunnels of a subway.

Alright, alright, so what's good about it? Well, a lot. But it's still a new franchise with some defects.

So the good. Like i said, stunning graphics, awesome level design, and a interesting premise. The cutscenes are done in an cool cel shaded style. As for the game itself, the campaign is short but challenging. Playing on "easy" doesn't actually make it much easier, it only means you won't get shot up as much by the police. In this sense, if you don't learn to use the controls well, you'll be frustrated easily.

The "Runner Vision" helps immensely; it is a tool that highlights your next objective by shading it red on the HUD. Which, really, is another high point of the game. The HUD is flawless in that it barely exists, never cluttering the screen with things I don't care about. Definitely a good thing.

Another great boon to the gameplay is the inclusion of the martial arts combat. It's extremely satisfying to be running along at full speed, when all of a sudden a cop pops out of nowhere, and to not only not stop, but jump on him and use him as a springboard to get away. There are too many moves to list, and the combat is limited only by your own imagination, and you know, gravity. But only kind of. :)

There are some levels which can only be described as supremely badass. I think somewhere between jumping between two cranes over a 300 foot drop and kicking overzealous gun-toting bad guys in the face, I experienced Mirror's Edge at its best. I'm just sorry it couldn't always be that great.

Now of course, the bad.

The game has nothing truly wrong with it. It also has nothing truly GREAT either, which leaves it's "innovative" gameplay feeling like a cheap gimmick which has roped you in and then left you lonely and friendless. To put it in the most confusing words possible, Mirror's Edge over-reliance on it being "different" is it's greatest flaw. Every moment in-game screams, "HAHA LOOK WHAT I CAN DO! FLYING DROP KICK YEHAAW" and while this is great for the first few levels, it becomes contrived by the end.

Despite reasonable character design, they still manage to kill off the one character who we all know would be killed off. In addition, we never had time to become attached (to any of the characters, really). The in-game moment has the air of "YOU AREN'T GOOD FRIENDS WITH HIM BUT HE'S DYING! WHERE IS YOUR SOUL, FEEL BAD YET?" These kinds of moments in games are pretty crippling, and indeed, I lost interest in the story after that point. However, the game shamelessly chugged along to its cliche ending. Ah, well. Innovation and good stories can't all be in one game. (Wait, I'm getting something here...DEAD SPACE. Ok, there we go. WAIT, WAIT...FALLOUT 3. Ok. I'm feeling better. Onwards.)

Mirror's Edge, like so many other games, starts out great, loses its momentum, and begins riding the fine line between greatness and total boredom. Despite being different, that alone is not enough to thrust it to the level of greatness all games aspire to.

When I played through Mirror's Edge, I couldn't seem to decide if it was mediocre, crappy, or breakthrough awesome. After beating it, i think it's safe to say it's a little of each.

Final words: Rent it. Worth a playthrough and $5.


18th Entry - Need For Speed Undercover

Need for Speed: Undercover (Xbox 360)

Welcome back everyone, sorry it's been so long. :(

The main reason it's been so long is i KNEW i had to do this review next. While I have always been a Need for Speed fan, this one wasn't terribly worthy, even for a fanboy like me.

The game starts out well, despite the cheesy continuation of the NFS story. The gameplay has only improved since the early NFS games, and this is no exception. The sheer amount of customization possibilities is ridiculous, and even a little overwhelming. And, despite that fact that it's a racing game, Undercover still manages to mix up the gameplay enough that it isn't boring.

The meat of this game is the career mode, which is easily the longest in the NFS series. I'm unable to decide if this is good or bad. I can tell you the writing for this game was atrocious, as over half of some characters' lines are (bad) innuendos, as well as the random rivalries that spring up for no apparent reason during the course of the story. The attempt at a "plot twist" is no less obvious than being hit by a semi. Sigh. What will it take for EA to realize a story just doesn't belong? It worked in Tokyo Drift!

The cop chases are fun and exciting, and the infamous Speedbreaker mechanic makes a return to assist you in plowing through roadblock after roadblock.

Despite my love for this series, it always has flaws. Undercover just has lots. The most glaringly obvious flaws for car guys like Poke and I are the arbitrary assignment of car stats.This is a rampant problem throughout the game. The muscle class cars are also impossible to drive because they refuse to turn, and last time i checked, a Chevrolet Corvette was a RWD vehicle, yet the one i drove in the game out-manuevered anything from Japan, which is just plain wrong. A Lancer EVO with worse handling than that of a Challenger? Seriously, what the hell? It seems nitpicky, but this kind of sloppy detail subtracts from the game. (Also, a Bugatti Veyron tops out at 253 mph, not 246. Check on it, EA.)

Despite the lack of "realism" as far as the cars are concerned, the acting is subpar. Just because you put Maggie Q in the game doesn't mean we'll all be too busy staring at her to realize the acting would make Vin Diesel's character in The Fast and the Furious have a nervous breakdown.

(I'm going to go on a quick tangent here. Why does the radio always suck in driving games? I understand, put some rap and R+B in there, that's fine, no big deal. I even understand the crappy mainstream rock. But seriously, throw the metal fans a bone. Not even one song? And I mean real metal, none of this Bullet for My Valentine stuff, or even worse, Slipknot.)

*end rant.

Right, so Undercover has a multiplayer mode, which i tried. I have to say, I'm a gamer, and I can move at a fast pace, but the game of Cops and Robbers i played was too fast to even think. The Nissan Skyline i was driving went 0-100 in about 1.5, and the whole game mainly took place above 200mph. I'm sorry, that isn't even kind of real. It was so mind blowingly fast i didn't even know my team had won. Needless to say, I'm not a real fan of the online modes.

A final annoying feature of the game was the shamless abuse of bloom lighting. Shameless. Poke was once driving into the sun, and the lighting effectively made it appear as if the road was glass, and the glare made it impossible to even see. Come on, EA, too much of a good thing...

So now you're thinking after that flame-fest, Goofy, you're not a fan of NFS after something like that. WEll, yes, I am, and a very diehard one. It's why i hate to see the games start going downhill. NFS is in need of a major return to roots, Underground-esque revival. Unfortunately, Undercover does not provide this revelation.

The career had enough variety to keep me busy. I don't know if it's because it's a good career, or if i'm just a fanboy so I'm patient. Either way, if you feel you're getting bored with it, take a break cause you'll just end up not wanting to pick it up again. Undercover is one of those games. In addition, beware of the Highway Battles. These 1v1 races are generally easy but there were a couple that required 20+ tries, at least on my end, and I like to think i'm pretty good at Undercover.

One thing i do greatly enjoy about Undercover is its plain silly customization options. Yeah, I put 22s on my Aston Martin DB9. Know what i did next? Gave it a spoiler large enough to constitute a plane wing, slapped on some soda can mufflers, and gave it a chrome paint job. That's right, chrome. And when the sun hit it just right, the glare off the car would burn a hole in your retina. You can do anything from serious to silly, and everywhere in between. Personally, I prefer to black-out the whole car. This is my Charger. (502 hp of muscle that runs on souls.)

All in all, if you're a NFS fan, give Undercover a shot. If you're new to NFS, a Gamecube and play through NFS Underground. If you like realistic racing games like Forza and Gran Turismo, you should not play this game. Bottom line - for fans only.


17th Entry - Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead (Xbox 360)

This game was one of the best things released in 2008, and I almost didn't know about it.

Poke's roommate (Vars) is a fan of all things zombie, he has movies, books (The Zombie Survival Guide, anyone?) and now he's got a game. (Well not really, I haven't returned it yet.)

If it weren't for Vars's zombie thing, I never would have even seen the demo. But he, Poke and I downloaded it and gave it a run. It was pretty fun alright, but i wasn't about to run out and buy it. Fortunately Poke and Vars bought it and it was definitely worth it. ( I really need to buy my own copy.)

The game's premise is that after a zombie apocalypse, our four Survivors battle their way through 4 unique campaigns in a city, a park, a suburb, and an airport. The game uses a unique "Director" feature that makes the game different each time you play through random spawns based on a variety of factors.

There's the veteran Bill, the college girl Zoey, the cubicle-dweller Louis, and the tattooed biker Francis. I only play as Francis. For the following reason. (from the Left 4 Dead wiki - Francis is notable for often contextually exclaiming how he hates something. Anything, really.)

Among the things Francis hates:
  • The Army
  • Ayn Rand
  • Bats (dislikes)
  • Boat lawyers
  • Boat people
  • Boomers
  • Camping
  • Churches
  • Cops
  • Doctors
  • Electric fences
  • Elevators
  • Helicopters
  • Hospitals
  • Hotels
  • Hunters
  • Jumping
  • Lawyers
  • Mazes
  • Planes
  • Sewers
  • Small towns
  • Smokers
  • Stairs
  • Subways
  • Tanks
  • Trains
  • Trainyards
  • Tunnels
  • Turnpikes
  • Vampires
  • Vans
  • Vomit
  • Walking
  • Water
  • Whispering
  • Witches
  • Woods
  • Zombies

There are also the Infected, which i will briefly describe.

The Hunter is a fast-moving Infected who can immobilize a single survivor unless he/she is rescued by another survivor. It has a pounce attack and a claw attack. One of my favorite classes to play as in multiplayer.

The Boomer is a disgustingly obese bile-filled monster, and can projectile vomit onto the Survivors to attract all nearby Infected. They have almost no health, however, and are easily killed.

The Smoker is an Infected with a long tongue that is used to ensnare and drag away Survivors. It is insanely powerful when used correctly and can certainly take a few bullets. The Smoker also has a claw attack in additon to its primary tongue grab. This is my favorite Infected to play as.

The Tank is a huge, zombified Hulk. It hurts to be punched by and will kill you almost instantly if it hits you with a concrete brick or a car. Only concentrated fire will kill a Tank. If engaged at range, a Tank is rendered harmless as it can do little at range. The Tanks is my least favorite Infected to play as, mainly because of its horrible imbalances.

The Witch is a non-playable Infected. She has glowing red eyes, a distinctive cry (and scream), and has long, deadly claw-hands. She WILL kill you if you are careless, she will also kill you even if you are very precise, because the Director seems to find it amusing to place her below ladders or at choke points. Also, in a game one of my friends took part in, the Director once spawned five Witches forming a death blockade across a doorway essential to progression. If this happens, accept your painful death, for there is no way to escape.

Anyway, this game is fun on your own for a while, I suppose, but the real fun is the multiplayer. 4 humans play as the Survivors, and 4 play as the Special Infected, such as the Boomer, the Hunter, and the Smoker. (Occasionally the Tank as well.) The humans try to get to the safe rooms while the zombies try to kill all the Survivors.

There are only a few weapons. At the start, there is a Uzi, or a pump shotgun. Further into the levels, there is a Benelli M4 Super 90 semi-automatic shotgun, a M16A3 assault rifle, and a Ruger Mini-14 hunting rifle. You can also acquire dual pistols.

Real men use the pump shotgun for all five levels of a campaign. Unfortunately, we can't all be real men, so the other weapons were put in the game.

There are also Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs for taking out groups of Infected. Using pipe bombs is synonomous with "cheating." So is playing on the "Easy" difficulty.

The true beauty about Left 4 Dead is its simplicity. Easy to pick up and play, yet challenging enough to keep a serious gamer busy.

After beating all four campaigns, eventually you will turn to the multiplayer modes. There are a few things that should be known about multiplayer in Left 4 Dead.

First, teamwork is paramount. If you don't have cooperative teammates who will communicate, find a new game.

Your success depends entirely upon your teammates. I don't know about PC gaming, because I'm not a PC gamer, and I won't pretend to be. But on Xbox Live, a good game of Left 4 Dead is precious because generally, your teammates are douchebags, your opponents are douchebags, your opponents are douchebags who use glitches, your teammates are douchebags who use glitches, or everyone participating in the game thinks they are playing Halo 3 and run around yelling about no-scopes and killing sprees. No one cares. Not even your douchebag teammates.

Alright, well its not really that bad, but the average Xbox 360 player is not someone i want on my team.

Second, the only playable multiplayer maps right now are No Mercy (city campaign) and Blood Harvest (park/woods campaign). This greatly limits replayability.

Finally there are several glitches that allow the Infected team to wall the Survivors off from advancing. If this kind of thing frustrates you, you've been warned. It drives me nuts when the other team does this, as you are powerless to move on, until the zombie team realizes they are being morons, and move the block.

Despite its potential shortcomings, Left 4 Dead delivers one of the most solid multiplayer experiences in recent memory. Running around blindly like in some shooters will get you killed here, make sure to remember you're on a team now and need to play as such.

There really isn't too much more to say about Left 4 Dead, other than that you should buy it and that it's full of zombie-blasting goodness.

That said, Left 4 Dead earns an impressive 8.5/10. Play it. Now.
Now playing: Alice Cooper - No More Mr Nice Guy
via FoxyTunes

16th Entry - Call of Duty: World At War

Call of Duty: World at War (Xbox 360) - I know this isn't the real cover but it's so much better. :)

Alrighty then everyone, I just finished a 3 hour battle with my homework, i finally came out on top for once. I wanted something fun to do afterwards, so here i am.

And then I noticed the review i was doing was Call of Duty: World at War (CoD:WaW). My heart sank. For several reasons.

One, this game was a total letdown.
Two, unfun games are never as good to write about.
Three, this game was a total letdown.

I'd like to let everyone know, Poke was right and i was wrong. This game came out, and I kept pestering him to go in half with me on it, since i wanted to play, but of course was too cheap to buy it outright. He kept saying no, but i eventually wore him down and we got it. What a waste.

Popped it in, turned on co-op, and came to find the screen setup was AWFUL. Not only was it terrible, you can't change it. Stuck in Suck-Mode forever. Not a great start, Activision.

I really don't have much to say about the game itself, it's a lot like Cod 4, minus, you know, the good stuff. Poke and I beat the co-op mode in under 4 hours. Dissatisfying.

Poke gave up on WaW at that point. I took it to my apartment and figured I'd try single player. It was ok, a lot better than co-op for sure, but still just ok. I beat the game in yet another dissatisfying 7 or so hours total.

Dismayed at my waste of $30, I gave WaW back to Poke to have him beat it. (Originally I was going to have him write this review, but he never played CoD 5 again, he really didn't like it.)

My (our?) copy of World at War ended up back at my local GameStop as fodder for my collector's edition copy of Halo Wars. :/

Ok I'll talk about what I liked, then what I didn't.

The good stuff about this game is fairly limited. However, the sniper level in Stalingrad is great fun, reminiscent of the greatness that is CoD 4's "All Ghillied Up". I had a good time with that level.

The game mode you unlock upon beating the game, NAZI ZOMBIES, is pretty amusing, and it's fun even, but after about 20 times of playing it, it loses its appeal, and falls aside.

The strong point of all CoD games shines here - multiplayer. I spent an afternoon playing multiplayer, and had a damn good time (by 'good time', I mean unlocking the Japanese "Banana Gun" and running around like a deranged maniac). However, multiplayer won't hold me for long, the game itself needs to be good as well , and that just wasn't the case. I'll just mention that Poke really dislikes online multiplayer, mostly for the reason that "it's pointless". (He just hates losing.)

That's pretty much all i enjoyed from CoD: WaW. Oh, shoot, well i also liked the "Black Cats" level. Mowing down Zeroes with a huge chain gun is great fun too. If anyone knows where to get the music from that level, PLEASE email me a link, or something.

On to the bad stuff.

Co-op. Abysmal. It seems they had a week to go until release, and some developer ran into the test room and goes "FUCK we need a co-op mode!" and some idiot slapped it together in under 45 minutes, just so they could write "co-op" on the box to sucker people like me and Poke into buying it. Communists.

The gameplay took a step back from CoD 4. Activision, THAT'S BAD. We try to avoid annoying our target audience by producing games that deviate from what they're used to.

I can't quite put it in words, but pound for pound, WaW just feels inferior to CoD 4. Please give the next game in the series back to Infinity Ward. Please. Last thing this market needs is another WWII game. Yeesh.

Also, I'd just like it pointed out that as of now, World at War retails for approximately $10 less than CoD 4 does. Hmmm. Wonder why.

Call of Duty: World at Was earns a 5/10.

That's pretty much all i can bring myself to write about this less than satisfactory shooter.

As for the rest of you, hopefully you're going out to get FEAR 2 tomorrow just like me.

Until next time everyone.

Now playing: Dio - Living The Lie
via FoxyTunes

15th Entry - Fable II

Fable II (Xbox 360)

HEY EVERYBODY! I can't seem to remember to update this blog, and it's not cause i don't love you guys.

Anyway I'm writing this now so that's all that really matters. So here we have one of the most anticipated games for Xbox fans since Halo 2, and I have to say, Fable II fell short of the mark. In fact, it was even disappointing.

Call me biased, I'm not a big fan of RPGs (I can be swayed, however by certain games, like Mass Effect, way too awesome to not play) and Fable II, if anything has made me lose more hope in the genre. I wasn't even for a second considering downloading the recent DLC from Xbox Live, I just can't be convinced to care. So enough rambling, I'm going to talk about why it was a less than perfect experience.

When I popped Fable in, it seemed promising. Neat story, pretty to look at, and i even got to have a dog. Cool.

But then things started happening, like me realizing how ridiculously BROKEN the magic (Will) abilities are. Why would you be anything but a mage? Charge up a level 5 spell or so, unleash it, and watch everything on screen wither and die. Do it twice if it's a boss. I'm almost serious.

In all honesty, the other two concentrations of Skill and Strength are nearly pointlesss, especially the Skill tree, which is terribly unbalanced when compared with Will.

So 30 minutes in I'm using nothing but magic. Then i make the mistake of eating a pie in-game, and suddenly my Hero is all huge and chubby, and for the life of me, I can't get him to lose any weight. And now I have a mage-y, fat, scarred, demon-horned Hero. Not really what I'd call desireable, and no matter how hard I try, i can't change any of his attributes. (Ok, I'll be fair, I liked the demon horns. Good for bad-ass points.) At any rate I rapidly became frustrated with the lack of emphasis on the story which had instead been replaced by an annoying need to RE-DECORATE my house!? Come on, this isn't the Sims. But you're close, Lionhead Studios, so close to making a Sims clone. >_< Coupled with a clunky and rather unrealistic "realtionship" system where people become your friends after farting on them a few times, I rapidly moved from being annoyed to dismayed. How was this game getting positive reviews!? Poke gave up after reaching Bowerstone in-game, and my goofy self was headed down a similar path. (In Poke's defense though, he is a rather impatient player who will discard a game he finds annoying whereas i will finish it no matter how terrible.)

There aren't really any nifty weapons, only boring variants of the same weapon. They aren't even cleverly concealed behind a changed name, they're just all the same. So yeah, I could go in search of "loot", but WHEN IT'S ALL THE SAME, what's the point?

I think that's about all the bad stuff i have to say...oh wait.

Right, so Poke and i are big fans of co-op games (Army of Two is awesome, I don't want to hear it) and so we noticed Fable was co-op. We gave it a try, and i can't really describe it to you in words. I'll try though. It is an experience in frustration; an abysmal, terrible, and clunky system, and to top off this pile of garbage, it's FIXED CAMERA. Yes, fixed. Seriously, read a book, Lionhead. If two players are on seperate Xboxes, they don't want a fixed camera. Fixed camera doesn't even work in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and it's the best game ever made. I had to stop after 5 minutes of co-op mode, it hurt too much. But wait, there's more. If you join someone's co-op game, you don't get to use your own Hero. Nope, you get to choose from several stock ones. STOCK! The whole point of this game is character customization, so then in a co-op game, you remove one of the things this game had going for it!? That's like telling me you're going to give me a delicious burger with bacon and cheese, but then when you give it to me, it's really a bunch of strangely colored forest fungus between slices of Spam, and you didn't even have the decency to give me the damn bacon. Much like forest fungus, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and makes me much less likely to buy your games.

In all seriousness, though, Lionhead spent years on this game, so why did it end up like it did? Why is fighting off creatures of myth worth less than pounding the "A" button to forge metal/serve drinks/cut wood? Why is Will so broken? Why are all the female Heroes busted? Why does a in-game character marry a zombie? Why did i finish this game? And, most importantly, how does a condom exist in this time period?

Now to say a few good things about Fable. One, the story is a step above average. I'd call it good even. I'd be lying if i said i didn't enjoy several of the story related quests. Two, I liked the dog. The dog was good. (One suggestion though, make the appearance of the dog more extreme, like if I'm evil, i want a dog with horns, possibly leathery demon wings, and definitely a tendency to breathe fire. F*ck it, just let me have Cerberus on a leash.) Three, you managed to make a decent inventory system. For all the multitudes of items you acquire in this game, I never felt overwhelmed because I always knew where everything was. And four, the game really FELT medieval and arcane. So good job on that.

Bottom line - Fable is a over-hyped sequel with a good story that is hampered by its own need to play interior designer. Don't buy it, rent it. And return it after you beat it. Easy, done, move on and don't look back. 6.5/10.

Do like Goofy instead, and look forward to FEAR 2's upcoming release. :D

Now playing: Dio - The Last In Line
via FoxyTunes

1st Random Entry - Dead Space Art

I'm on DeviantART (here) and i was looking around and stumbled on this very appropriate drawing about Dead Space, I just wanted to share it with everyone, it was too good to pass up.

All credit to Esau13 on DeviantART. His page.

Now playing: Judas Priest - One Shot At Glory
via FoxyTunes

Monday, December 1, 2008

14th Entry - Gears of War 2

Ok, this time I'm pretty much back on track with my schedule, so I actually got to writing this before the end of the month.

Anyway, this week I'm reviewing the much anticipated Gears of War 2.

Gears of War 2 (Xbox 360)

What to say about this game...

Well, for the most part, the annoying things from Gears 1 are mostly gone, such as cheesy, CHEESY dialogue, glitches in the cover system, a weapon switching glitch, and other minor annoyances. Other than that Gears 2 is exactly what it should be: more of what I liked about Gears 1, with no dumb new "innovative features" we didn't want.

Gears 2, like 1, is a tactical shooter. This means about 15 minutes of frustration for me and my fellow Halo addicts to realize that you can't directly charge an enemy and expect to not die (especially on Insane difficulty, but we'll get to that silliness later). It also means I can't beat anyone who is good at Gears in a online match to save my life, NOT THAT I'M BITTER.

So the best part about Gears 2 is the weapons, at least for me. The reason I talk about the weapons in some games, and not in others is that the games whose weapons impress me enough deserve to be recognized. They have a lot of variety, and all the possible uses will keep you busy for a while.

We'll start with the Boomshot, a ridiculous piece of rape that is only dropped by the aptly named Boomers, who are essentially very dim-witted Hulks that can only speak one word describing their weapon. At any rate, this thing takes out anything in one go, save for a Reaver, and the active reload makes it shoot a cluster grenade. I personally got really good with this thing and it paid off because you can get all those pesky turret guys with it. Once it runs out of ammo though, drop it because you'll rarely find ammo for it again.

The Gears shotgun isn't a standout among shotguns as far as I'm concerned, but it does have a ridiculous range and will damage enemies almost a hundred yards away. Up close it's unfair and silly, but if you have to reload you're screwed. Just don't miss, you n00b.

The Gorgon pistol is carried by the annoying Kantus monks who roll and dodge bullets. The Gorgon has a 4 shot clip, but each "shot" is an approximately 10 bullets, making it a devastating shotgun alternative. If you get the active reload its damage becomes high enough to down even a Mauler. Also it has a zoom, making it incredibly versatile. Some people hate the Gorgon, but they're also probably the people who team-kill with flamethrowers.


Next is the Hammerburst assault rifle, but what they really mean is "the carbine from Halo except it shoots metal and not that glowy plasma junk". Really that's what it is, it's a semiautomatic weapon with a decent zoom (and a kickback that takes getting used to) and I'd take one over a Lancer any day.

The Hammer of Dawn is useless in anything but campaign or Horde. In these modes however it is cheating because it kills everything you point it at in seconds, as long as you can aim. It summons a sky-laser from an above satelitte and blows everything into delicious chunks.The end.

Next up is the Lancer. It's a fully automatic assualt rifle with a chainsaw bayonet, which means it isn't really a bayonet, but simply a chainsaw. Whatever. Good damage, decent range, no zoom. Ugh. I think it's overrated, but I'm outnumbered 300 to 1 by all the 10 year olds who play Gears and rave about cutting people in half with the chainsaw. At any rate, you need to carry either this or the Hammerburst at all times.

The Longshot is a sniper rifle. A BOLT-ACTION sniper rifle, at that. I thought we stopped using bolt-action, after the invention of, you know, SEMIAUTOMATIC WEAPONS. Despite its bolt-action-ness, it kills most everything in a single headshot, and if it doesn't, then most likely an active reload headshot will. If that doesn't work, switch to a different weapon, but you're probably screwed anyway. Also, don't bother aiming for anything but the head, as it does negligible damage elsewhere.

Now we have my third favorite weapon, the Snub pistol. 12 shot clip, semiautomatic, and a nice zoom. Perfect. Everything i need in a pistol, and also did I mention if you do it right, the active reload is almost instant? It even does good damage! :)

The Torque Bow is two things. One, it's the most ridiculous weapon. Two, it's by far my favorite. It shoots explosive tipped arrows that stick to anything, granted you hold the fire button for a little. They toned down the explosion radius from Gears 1, but it's still a formidable weapon. It has a line that shows its trajectory, making it easy enough for even a moron to use. It also has blades along the sides of the bow, which make it an effective melee weapon, but in all reality I kind of feel that it would pose a threat to the user, if he were to carry it on his back or something. At any rate, great weapon, learn to use it.

The Boltok pistol sucks hard. Hits like a truck but everything else about it is painfully awful. Avoid picking this up.

The Mortar is super-powerful, but takes a little getting used to. Practice in Horde mode. The active reload just makes the explosion bigger. Also never blind-fire it, it goes off wilder than your mother. Heheh.

ANYWAY, on to the Mulcher, a mountable machine gun that has terrible accuracy unless you are standing next to the target or if you have mounted it on cover. Use RB to cool it down, as it rapidly overheats, and keep an eye on the ammo, as it runs out faster than you'd think. This is a really useful weapon against Bloodmounts, if you can get it mounted before they are on top of you.

Finally there is the flamethrower. They put this in here, just like they did in Call of Duty: World at War, because people ALWAYS whine when there isn't a flamethrower (even Halo PC fell victim to this). Anywho, only use this if you're screwing around on Easy difficulty, and use it to get the achievement. It's really pretty terrible, and the active reload apparently increases the range, but it's still a useless

As far as the enemies are concerned, there isn't a whole lot of variety, but that's OK, as it makes you feel more like you're fighting a faceless horde than a collection of heroes. Basically you have your standard issue Locust, pretty easy to kill and generally armed with Hammerburst. Then there's a upgraded version with more health, followed by the Theron guards who have good weapons and are bullet sponges. There's the Kantus monks who are really fast and take a lot of damage, and somtimes they howl, and if you're close enough it will knock you down. Next are the Boomers/Maulers/Butchers/Grinders, who use Boomshots, flails, cleavers, and Mulchers respectively. Bloodmounts are strong Locust who have Drones on their backs, and are very tough and are a high kill priority because of their speed and strength. Wretches are weak little enemies who are fast and can swarm you if you are not careful. Tickers are organic mines that should be dealt with from a distance due to their tendency to explode. Sires are quick, mutated Locust who melee only, and are little threat unless completely ignored. Finally there are Reavers, which take tons of damage and attack with missiles and turrets. Kill them quickly and from behind cover.

Now to talk about gameplay, the controls aren't awkward and they are in fact good. The HUD is nice and clean like Gears 1 was, and though the cover system got an update and isn't as glitchy, it still isn't wonderful and can be clunky. Other than that, everything else functions pretty smoothly, and it's a fun game to play.

Before i wrap this up, I just want to comment on how exceedingly difficult this game is on Insane. On Hardcore, it's not really even that difficult. When you put it on Insane however, the difficulty is ramped up so much, it's nearly impossible. Myself and another good friend spent a good five evenings or so playing it on Insane and finally beat it. Do not play on Insane if you want to have fun. Just a warning.

Alright then, in closing, Gears 2 is a solid and capable game, earning it a 8.5/10. Good, but not above and beyond.

Till next time everyone.

13th Entry - Saint's Row 2

Saint's Row 2 (Xbox 360)

This has been one of the surprising games this fall. I played Saint's Row one when it came out cause I wanted to play Grand Theft Auto for the 360 but it wasn't out. The first one was a pretty good game with some minor flaws. But everything I didn't like about the first one was fixed in this one, plus some other really cool features. There is tons more customization not only can you change your clothes you can change the way you look, your voice or even your gender (and make some transgender freak if you want [no offense]).

Unlike GTA IV this game realizes it's an arcade game and doesn't try to make real driving physics that just piss you off cause it's almost real but not quite so it's hard to judge whether or not you can make that turn so you just run into the wall instead. In Saint's Row the cars behave like you expect them too. Plus you can also customize them as well, not just painting them you can give them more health make them drive faster and even make the tires stronger. Also you just have one garage that can be accessed from any of your houses making it much more convenient (plus as a reward for completing one of the side missions you can have a guy drive them to you for free, on of the many ridiculous rewards, more on that later).

The general game play doesn't stand out in a good or bad way. The graphics are good, not great. You have standard weapon classes, pistol, shotgun, smg, rifle, rocket launcher, and grenades. They didn't put in armor instead just made you take tons of bullets, plus your health regenerates which because it's an game I think is better, or better then having to find a hot dog stand at lest. Also apparently your guy is jacked cause you can just tear a fire hydrant out of the ground and throw it at somebody a mile away it's great fun.

The bad guys are, while not inventive, well done. The story also has some pretty funny parts. One of your lieutenants has come up with this complex plan to rob a casino goes kind of like this

Johnny Gat: What's with this doll house?
Pierce explains a complex plan.
Johnny Gat: why don't we just kill everybody between us and the money?
You: It would be faster...
Johnny Gat: and more fun.
You: F*ck it let's just do that.
Pierce: Aww guys come on!

You pretty much just give Pierce crap the whole game. There's also a couple of fun missions where they make you really high and force you to do complex things it's pretty funny.

Then there are the side missions. I hate most forced side missions that are there to artificially extend game play, but these are great. Also they give you crazy rewards. You can get what can only be described as rape weapons, and then you get unlimited ammo for them,. Plus I randomly jumped out of a plane and it said press Y to do base jumping. I landed in the center of the target it gave me and now I don't take any falling damage at all, plus there are many others that make you basically invincible, and of course some crappy ones like 75% off at the mechanic from a major pain in the butt mission too.

This game is really more than the sum of its parts. It is a lot of fun to just screw around and any time I got stuck or really mad I just went crazy and destroyed the town and instantly remembered why this game was so fun. This game is easily one of the best to come out this fall. I give it 9 out of 10.